Adapting Vroom Content
What Are the Essentials of Vroom Content?
The purpose of Vroom is to spark interactions between adults and children that are joyful, brain-building, and full of learning. Vroom Content is always focused on sharing the science, and must include certain components and be consistent with Vroom values.
What Can I Change?
When an organization adapts Vroom Content, they work to refine the details of Vroom Tips or other content to make sure they are relevant to their communities. Some things must change to make Vroom Content relevant – like translating into a local dialect or using culturally familiar references. Additionally, sometimes the format and structure of Vroom Tips can be changed. For example, our Vroom by Text service available in the U.S. uses a three-part format to account for SMS character limits.
By sharing the science of early childhood brain development, not just an activity, Vroom makes it more likely that parents and caregivers will adopt brain-building behaviors in the long term.
Case study: Adapting Vroom for Displaced Communities in the Middle East with IRC (Part 1)
We know that reflecting the lived experiences of caregivers matters. Ultimately the relatability of Vroom Content changes how caregivers interact with materials, and increases the likelihood for long-term behavior change.
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) understood this. When trying to reach displaced Syrian refugee families, the IRC leveraged trusted partners for content translation and localization.
They field-tested sample translations to ensure the language felt accessible and familiar to the caregivers they were hoping to reach. The IRC also worked with illustrators and animators to create culturally relatable materials and videos showcasing Vroom Content.
The result was highly effective. The adapted Vroom Content resonated with the intended communities by “sounding” and “looking” like familiar Syrian families.
You can learn more about how IRC researched its audiences to better adapt Vroom Content.